Who would have thought looking at a posters " avator" so much thought lay behind it? It's made fun reading and been helpful in understanding behind the " avator" are so many intelligent, sensitive and valuable " real" people.
The Rebel.
i think that's the correct phrase?
anyway when i first came here, that little picture that "the rebel" hides behind, was a self portrait of a very sad man, who simply had too much knowledge.
now i feel after 7 months here, i should repaint that " avetor" give some happiness to the eyes, and a contented smile to the lips.. in short my " avetor" was a self portrait of a man with too much knowledge.
Who would have thought looking at a posters " avator" so much thought lay behind it? It's made fun reading and been helpful in understanding behind the " avator" are so many intelligent, sensitive and valuable " real" people.
The Rebel.
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
Je.suis.oisif, thank you:-
You make starting this thread worthwhile. I am so glad you are sending in your letter of D.A, after a 13 months fade, I am sure you have made a balanced decision. I wish you all the best for the future. This is what this forum should and is all about, helping and supporting people, and giving them time to break free.
All the best for the future.
The Rebel.
p.s And as for your politics and voting that U.K remain in the E.U, it's like if God exists or not, I am not getting in the debate, it's not why I am here. The important thing for me is I have enjoyed following your watchtower journey and sharing mine with yours, and we have shared a lot of theads and I am glad we are both free.
Being serious, having read the thread, I think trying to answer or understand this question is like to believe in our words, or somebody else's words. Yet think about it, there are no words, no living people, no self, or anything belonging to self, and nothing beyond self. And that is what was before the Big Bang, and what we have now. Which is the present moment, existing, and all thoughts and words are and will become illusion.
The Rebel.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
Kate, you are right, " mentally still in". So Ian X only drifted. Still it hurt me to see a person I thought had discovered their " real self". And then on Sunday there was no trace of that high-spirited " real self". On Sunday I saw a clone, with out any individuality. On Sunday I say a clean shaven, suit and tie. On Sunday in short I saw NOT an individual but a witness clone. SAD.
The Rebel.
p.s glad you and I are free.
this thread is for when you have to say something to get it out of the system, whether it is happy or sad.
my reason for stating the thread is that on occasion some threads do tend to get a little heated here, and maybe this thread will enable us to reflect on the important fact, we are real people and not just dots on a computer screen.. i would love to start the thread with a bang, but nothing of particular interest has happened, only i do hope the weather improves as the climate i live in has been sadly chilly for the time of year, (if you get the deeper meaning).
the rebel..
Last week was absolutely brilliant, the wife and I are getting on great, absolutely brilliantly, and each day with my kid is fantastic. Spring is blossoming in all its glory and I am really looking forward to this week, soon to take a beer in the square, then tonight football with my boy and a family barbecue.
It's just so great living in the day and not planning life around meetings, door knocking and a future paradise earth, that was an illusion anyway.
The Rebel.
P.s sincerly hope you all have a great week.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
Jaydee " Hedge your bets...?
The Rebel " I hope your joking, I reckon Ian X must mave half a brick missing, or maybe as " lostandfound" said he simply smoked to much Lysorgig and dicylide:- LSD.
I still think Lennon and McCartney, could have written a great Revelation it's Grand Climax at Hand. I wonder what the guy was smoking that actually wrote that noncence, whatever it was I'd like to try some:-)
The Rebel.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
Thanks for explaining the meaning to the songs, freddo & lostandfound. I guess all songs like the book of revelation, have a deeper meaning. I just wish the Governing Body members, we're like the Rock Stars who become victims to the stress and pressure and quit.
Anyway all these posts have taken the thread off topic, now what was the topic again? Oh yes, how could Ian X, having discovered TTATT, and not needing return for family reasons, then return so Jehover didn't destroy him at Armeggedon? I mean he doesn't even belief in the stuff anymore!! Any explanations?
The Rebel.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
Poster "punk"often refers to the Governing body as rock stars, so here are some G.B rock star quotes:-
A) " Lemmy" Motörhead" or GB referring to the overlapping generation. " It will be Funny in about 10 Years"
B) Marilym Manson or G.B referring to the flock. " Anyone who thinks they're happy should really see a doctor, because there is no reason to be happy"
c) Ozzy Osburne or G.B referring to the flock " I love you all, I love you more than life itself, because you're all fcuking mad"
The Rebel.
Before the " Big Bang" we had friends, Will and Grace, Frazier, and the Simpsons But in my opinion " The Big Bang Theory" was unique, it made being a nerd cool. and suddenly kids every where didn't have to be Rebels, in leather jackets to be hip with the girls.
Thanks to the big bank theory, a guy was no longer judged by the car he drove, nor the cigarettes he smoked, instead the " chicks" we're more interested if the guy could answer Einsteins special theory of relativity, with special reference to the constant 3x/c.
The Rebel, who actually was in all truth, and always will be more of a nerd than a rebel.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
in fact just like the Watchtower, I've no idea what they were writing about half the time. All that rubbish about " I am the Walrus" and Eleanor Rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "Lucy the in the Sky with Diamonds" means I do NOT know!
Anyway, I mention the above because shortly after I quit meetings, Beattle loving brother, Ian X also, stopped attending meetings, and I watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) . I enjoyed widening his musical taste, and introduced him to Floyd and dark side, Bowies Ziggy, and others. So you can " IMAGINE " my dismay, when I met Ian X yesterday, clean shaven, dressed very witnishish, with creases in his trousers, . He informed me he had gone back to the meetings and hoped to survive Armeggedon. I bet his also back listening to that Lennon and McCartney noncence that makes no sense, and has given up on Pink Floyds dark side, and Bowies Ziggy. I for one didn't envy him.
Any comments on the above? how can a person break free from the Watchtower, and in this case I believe not go back for family reasons, but because he wants to survive Armeggedon.
The Rebel.